Investment Strategies

During the last ten years Alphatech has developed computerised investment systems that could guide professional investors in determining which securities to buy or sell. These softwares are regularly updated with the results of our market studies.

Here are some quantitative strategies that are included in our services.

 Market Leaders Stocks

Selection of companies that have a leadership position in their industries.

These companies typically have a substantial market capitalization and are known for experiencing above-average market growth. Furthermore, they tend to have substantial barriers to competition, making it difficult for rivals to challenge their market dominance.

The selection is based on fundamental and technical indicators in order to monthly re-position this portion of the portfolio on the most promising companies.

Value Stocks

Small-, mid-, and large-cap companies with solid fundamentals which momentarily trade at a discount to the market average.

Selection is primarily based on fundamental criteria and it involves companies not covered by analysts working at major investment banks and rating firms. This information asymmetry can often represent a significant upside potential for candidates.

Rotation of each stock generally occurs on an annual basis.

Technology Forerunners

The selection includes companies operating in highly innovative technological fields, such as Web 3.0 and Artificial Intelligence, among others. These companies often face difficulties in generating profits due to the early stages of development in their products and sectors. However, they occasionally present investment opportunities with highly asymmetric risk-return profiles, heading to a substantial long-term potential. The investment horizon for these ventures can vary, spanning from several months to a few years.

Permanent Investors

Quantitative system designed to manage the assets according to the “Permanent Portfolio”, a concept pioneered by economist Henry Browne: it strategically adjusts the weightings of the portfolio components to either increase or decrease, aiming to diminish portfolio volatility.

All of our strategies are updated at the beginning of each month. They can provide new signals, confirm those from the previous month or eventually move some positions into cash.