Our Services

Financial Research

Alphatech runs macroeconomic and sectorial analysis in order to identify the most promising investment themes and correspondingly trends. Subsequent micro analyses are conducted on single stocks or ETF to identify the securities which can better take advantage of those trends.

Investment Strategies

During the last ten years Alphatech has developed computerised investment systems that guide professional investors in determining which securities to buy or sell. These softwares are regularly updated with the results of our market studies.


Analysis results are regularly communicated through reports and newsletters. On a monthly basis, the first day of the month, our model portfolio is updated and can be used by our customers as an informative tool in order to achieve their financial goals.

Our Values Matters

Alphatech is, trought the experience of his founder, by more than ten years on the financial markets developing and continuosly improving its quantitative investments models.

We deserve our clients maximum integrity and we implement our experience without conflict of interest in one or another securities; we don’t receive any compensation from third parties, other than you.

As you would expect by a serious partner, we include in our model portfolio only securities in which we have high convinction and consequently on which we invested real money.